Independent College provides a free Online English Exam for non-native English speakers requiring an English qualification for their application process.
Potential students can register for this test after completing all other aspects of their application for their chosen degree programme at Independent College.
Once your application has been submitted [without English qualification], you will be invited to sit the online English Exam with Independent College, the general details for which can be found below:
The Online English Exam:
- takes place every Monday and Wednesday at 14h30pm GMT, with the exception of bank holidays*
- consists of a writing and a speaking portion
- Lasts approximately 1.5 hours
- Is conducted via Zoom video call
- Is free of charge
Test Timetable
- 14:30 – 14:45: Check register and ID (please note that times for this initial section may vary depending on the number of participants)
- 14:45 – 15:45: Written task
- Speaking task: You will be called by name to attend your speaking test in a separate online room
- 15:45: Writing Task Ends
- 15:45: Students must take a photo of the text and send it via e-mail
- Please ensure that you have the following supplies available:
- PC or Mac or iPad* with video and microphone
- Appropriate internet connection,
- Paper
- Pen
- A smartphone with a camera or a digital camera or a webcam to record and send your writing assessment
* While the test can be taken via a smartphone, it is strongly suggested that a larger-screen device should be used
- The English test will take place via Zoom video call. When you are invited to access the Zoom link, you will automatically be prompted to download the Zoom app as soon as you click on the URL link. You are not required to pre-install the Zoom app, but if you wish to pre-install, please see
- Please ensure that you are set up in a quiet room, where you will not be interrupted for the duration of the test (1.5 hours)
- Please have your official photo ID ready for inspection on entry to the test
- At 12h00 GMT on the day of the exam, you will be sent a Zoom link for the English test
- Click on this link to join the session when the exam is due to start, at 14h30 GMT. (install the zoom app as appropriate). DO NOT SHARE THIS LINK – IT HAS BEEN CREATED FOR YOUR EXAM ONLY.
- Immediately upon accessing the English test, you will be placed into the Zoom waiting room; the test invigilator will grant access to students one by one**
- When joining the exam, please have your ID ready – you will be asked to show this to the administrator via your camera
** Students may experience a slight delay in being admitted to the test from the waiting room; each student is admitted one by one so that test invigilators can check IDs/passports prior to starting.
- The test session will take approximately 1.5 hours, starting from 14h30 GMT.
- Please keep your video and microphone on for the duration of the test. NOTE: Your test will be considered invalid if you turn your camera and/or microphone off at any point during the test
- You will be shown a written task. You should start the written task immediately.
- During the written test, you will be asked to position your camera to show the paper on which you are answering the test.
- At some point during the writing task, you will receive an instruction to join the speaking examiner in a “breakout room” for your speaking assessment. You should accept this invitation in order to do your individual speaking test.
- Once you have finished your speaking test, you will return to the main meeting to finish your written task.
- An invigilator will be in the meeting to supervise all candidates taking the test.
In addition, please be aware that:
- You will not be allowed to leave and re-join the testing event**
- You will not be allowed to leave your testing location during the test (no bathroom breaks are allowed).
- You are not permitted to engage with any other person during the test. Coaching from external third parties will result in your test results being voided, and your application cancelled with Independent College.
- You are not permitted to use any electronic devices for any purposes during the test, including but not limited to consulting online resources and/or aids. To do so will result in your test results being voided, and your application being cancelled with Independent College.
** If you experience technical difficulties during the test, you should raise this with the test administrator who will inform you as to what to do up to and including rescheduling the test for a different day
- Please ensure that your full name and the date of the test are written at the top of your answer page on the written test
- Take a photo of your completed writing task and send it by e-mail to the test administrator via the email address provided
- You will receive the results by e-mail within 3 working days after sitting your test